General FAQ
Rollguard cradles are an innovative packaging product for all roll and cylindrical products. Cradles are used to transport and store these products. They offer numerous benefits when compared to other packaging methods such as pyramiding the rolls on a pallet, individual boxes, or custom pallets. Rollguard cradles allows for efficient and safe stacking of rolls that saves space and money.
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- Call us at 800-925-2626 and ask for Rollguard Sales
- Online Chat: Chat with a live sales rep or leave a quick message during offline hours by utilizing the small lower right icon on all of our web pages.
- Email us at:
- Call us at 800-925-2626 and ask for Rollguard Customer Service.
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Within 24 hours you will receive an acknowledgement from Rollguard Customer Service that they received your order. Then they will process and provide you with an estimated ship date after working out any additional details.
Rollguard is the only single source supplier that can offer multiple solutions. Our cradles are available from multiple manufacturing and distribution centers across the United States including with a West Coast warehouse to ensure fast delivery.
- Check out our Compare and Select Page:
- Contact the Rollguard sales department.
There are many reasons to use cradles including:
- Reduction in time and labor costs when packaging and unloading rolled goods
- Cradles take up less floor space compared to other packaging methods.
- Less packaging material is required to put rolled goods on a skid resulting in an inexpensive method.
- Reduces outbound freight costs by allowing you to double stack your rolled goods on pallets to maximize the height of truck trailers when compared to the pyramiding method.
- Safely transport rolled goods as they are firmly secured in the cradle.
- Aesthetically pleasing
- Maximize floor and warehousing space as cradles allow effective stacking.
- Protect cylindrical products from unwanted indentations.
- Type of material of the cylindrical product
- Roll diameter
- Pallet width
- Desired rolls per layer
- Web width
Yes samples are available. Typically we provide enough cradles to stack one full pallet of rolled goods. Shipping charges will apply. Samples typically arrive 3 – 4 days after the request has been made. If the lead time is longer, the sales department will notify you. To obtain samples please contact the sales department.
Please view our pallet loading demo for more information as to how to build a pallet with cradles. If you need more assistance after receiving samples contact the Rollguard Sales Department for more tips and help.